"Stacy Burke and Tanya Danielle have spent their entire careers striving for success at a large, impersonal corporation. Their professional ethics and hard work have paid off for them as they have received numerous promotions and are held in extremely high regard by both their bosses and their colleagues. Unfortunately the women are dissatisfied. In recent years they have started to realize that they have not enjoyed enough sex or had enough fun. They resolve to go out socializing more often. Both women try Internet dating and the bar scene and privately conclude that they will meet no one but douchebags if they rely on social networking sites and the local nightclubs. What should they do? Neither of them comes up with a good plan until one fateful Friday afternoon when Stacy learns that their bosses are taking two girls from the company mail room on an exotic trip to the Bahamas! She is flabbergasted and immediately runs into Tanya's office to give her the news.
'How come the bosses never think to invite us on fun vacations like that?' Tanya wails as she flings her pen down on her desk in disgust.
'They take us too seriously.' Stacy says earnestly. 'We have worked so hard to climb the corporate ladder that our bosses view us merely as respectable, goal-oriented career women. They don't realize that we need to get laid too!'
Tanya removes her glasses and nods her head in frustrated, woeful agreement. She pinches the bridge of her nose and rubs the inner corners of her eyes so Stacy won't see the teardrops that have pooled there.
'Well, what can we possibly do to remedy the situation?' she finally asks Stacy in a plaintive tone of voice.
Fortunately Stacy has a plan. She proposes that they go to one of their bosses' homes later that evening. They will wear sexy bras and panties along with garter belts and sheer, thigh-high stockings underneath their business suits. Once inside, Stacy tells Tanya, they will do a striptease for the boss and describe every single sexual act they will perform on him if he takes them on the trip to the Bahamas instead of the mail room girls. Tanya quickly finds herself nodding in agreement.
'We'll show him how hard we can make his dick and then we'll just leave!' Tanya exclaims enthusiastically. 'He will understand that he has to take us to the Bahamas if he wants to experience the real sucking and fucking. He won't be able to resist!'"
The two women become giddy - and incredibly horny - as they discuss their scheme. Buy Executive Sex at DeviantDownloads.com to watch Stacy and Tanya getting naked and giving it their all to convince their boss that they richly deserve a trip to the Bahamas!
- XO Tanya
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